Thomas puts Arteta in trouble

BeSoccer 2 years ago 1.9k
Arsenal could be forced to change plans in the transfer market. AFP

Against Chelsea, Thomas Partey ended up injured. An injury that could mean a real headache for Mikel Arteta just before the start of the Premiership. According to the 'Mirror', the club could be forced to look in the market if a poor prognosis is confirmed.

Thomas Partey was unable to complete the Arsenal-Chelsea friendly. His team lost 1-2, but the worst news was the injury of the former Atletico player.

At the end of the friendly, Arteta admitted he was concerned. "It doesn't look very good.... He will have medical tests," the manager said.

Arsenal are keeping a close eye on what the doctors say. If a bad prognosis is confirmed, according to the 'Mirror', the club could look for a replacement in the market. 

A setback for the Gunners that would change Arsenal's plan this summer. Everything will depend, in any case, on whether there is a serious injury or not.

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Premier League