"Madrid are the ones who should be worried about facing City"

BeSoccer 2 years ago 5.8k
Carlos Tevez thinks Real should be worried. EFE/Agustín Marcarian

Carlos Tevez spoke with Manchester City's official media about his view on the upcoming Champions League semi-final. It is a tie in which the English club will go up against Real Madrid.

Carlos Tevez spent four seasons at Manchester City between 2009 and 2013. During this period he had the chance to find out exactly what it feels like to face Real Madrid in the Champions League. 

Because of this, he sat down with his ex club and offered his view on the upcoming Champions League semi-final clash between the English and Spanish teams.

"It is very gratifying to see what City have become in these ten years. It is something impressive. We have gone from fighting in the middle of the league table to doing so on an equal footing with the biggest (in Europe). It is an achievement that we all must feel proud of", said the ex Boca Juniors player. 

And he added: "Nowadays it is completely different. Today Real Madrid are the one that have to be concerned about facing City. Today the opponents have to look at what City are capable to do. With the players we have now and the infrastructure City have been building during the years we can fight as equals against any team in Europe". 


Mentioned in the news story

Manchester City
Real Madrid
C. Tévez