Tuchel not worried about Lukaku's lack of goals

BeSoccer 2 years ago 7.1k
Tuchel calmed the Blue fans about Lukaku. EFE

The German coach said he understood the Belgian striker and stressed that he is playing a lot of minutes and that is why he might be lacking in scoring more than he should.

Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel justified Romelu Lukaku's drought, who has gone six games without scoring, by citing the Belgian player's overload of games.

"In my opinion, I think Lukaku has played too many games. He has played a lot of games over the summer and now he has just come from the Nations League," Tuchel explained at a press conference ahead of the clash with Malmoe.

"He is a fantastic sportsman and a great competitor. He wants to win everything and he wanted a good result in both the Euros and the Nations League. It means a lot to him to play for his country, so he takes it very seriously. He puts a lot of pressure on himself," he added.

"He might be mentally a little bit tired as well, not so much that we are worried. He will find his rhythm when things go better," the German added.

Lukaku, who joined Chelsea this season from Inter Milan, started the campaign very well, scoring four goals in his first four games, but has now gone six in a row without a goal.

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