"To renew again in 2024? I'll ask myself that question next year"

BeSoccer 11 months ago 1.1k
Kroos explained what led him to renew his Real Madrid contract. EFE

Germany's Toni Kroos went on the 'Einfach mal luppen' podcast he shares with his brother Felix and spoke at length about what led him to renew his contract with Real Madrid until 2024. The midfielder did not rule out extending his contract again next year, something he will think about.

One of the unknowns of the upcoming season was whether Toni Kroos would renew his contract with Real Madrid. Finally, the German midfielder agreed to a one-year contract extension, that is, until 2024. And the player explained what led him to do so.

He did so on the podcast 'Einfach mal luppen', which he shares with his brother Felix. "I still want to, I feel good, my health is good and I have the feeling that I can still make a realistic contribution to the team.

"I didn't want to decide in October either, because a season is long and sometimes you feel the fatigue in the final phase. To this day I can still say that I have that feeling of still being important. I always said that for me it was key to finish at a high level and not to somehow drag on for three more years," he added.

On the other hand, Kroos explained the good connection with the club in handling this matter. "My agents were in Madrid for just one meeting on this issue. I think it lasted four hours and only fifteen minutes they talked about it. Again, it was as simple as always with Real Madrid," he said.

On the possibility of retiring in 2022, the midfielder said: "I wasn't entirely not serious. Of course, in those moments you are a bit more emotionally charged. You have the feeling: you can't go any higher. That's how it is in the end. For me it was an incredibly special day. The previous success (Champions) was in 2018 and everyone was in the stadium. To do that again and at the same time know how difficult it is.

"I didn't take it as a joke at all. I wasn't ready to take that step at the time, but at least it had crossed my mind two or three times, that's true. But then came the thoughts I still have now: it's not that I end up regretting it. You feel good enough, even for Madrid. So I decided to leave it there in my head".

Finally, Kroos referred to a possible new renewal in 2024. "Right now I don't want to commit to anything. I don't know. Maybe there will be a decision much sooner, much clearer... or not. Why close both paths for me now? There is no reason, at least not now. We'll see how the year starts, how it all works out. Then I will ask myself the same questions as this year. Also this year there were some arguments towards the other side. Maybe there will be some more or not. We will see. Now I don't have to commit myself at all," he finished.

Mentioned in the news story

Real Madrid
Toni Kroos