Rummenige opens door for Alaba exit: "Bayern did everything possible"

BeSoccer 3 years ago 2.8k
Alaba could leave on a free from Bayern. AFP

David Alaba, Bayern Munich full-back, is free to negotiate with other clubs from January when he has six months left on a contract his club tried to convince him to renew without success. Rummenige, the club's general manager, confirmed this in 'Doppelpass'.

Any club looking to take advantage of David Alaba's services without paying a transfer fee will be able to talk to him from January 1st. The general manager of Bayern Munich himself confirmed this in a talk with 'Doppelpass'. In the meantime, he made it clear how much they tried to convince him to renew.

"Bayern did everything possible to reach an agreement. We had many talks, but we wanted a response from them by the end of October. That did not happen and I do not know if we will resume the negotiations. What I want to make clear is that our offer reflected how much we felt about him. But he did not accept it," Rummenige said.

At the moment, there are four teams on the Austrian's list of candidates: Madrid, Barcelona, PSG and Chelsea. They are all front-runners in European football and initially have enough economic potential to meet the footballer's salary demands.

It is true that these are probably quite high, since, after all, Alaba is a key player in the Champions League. However, his new destination will save some 27.4 million euros, which, as estimated by ProFootballDB, is his current market value.

Mentioned in the news story

Bayern München
David Alaba