Real Madrid will not guarantee Alaba starting place or pay him 22 million

BeSoccer 3 years ago 1.9k
Real Madrid will not agree to David Alaba's demands. AFP

'ESPN' and 'Le Parisien' are reporting that Real Madrid have no intention of guaranteeing David Alaba a starting spot in midfield. They also will not pay him 22 million euros per season. They are the two things the Bayern man wants.

Alaba wants two specific demands to be met at his new club. He will leave Bayern in the summer and Real Madrid and PSG are the favourites to get him. Real Madrid are not prepared to give him what he wants though. 

'ESPN' and 'Le Parisien' report that the Real Madrid board are not thinking of guaranteeing him a starting spot in midfield or paying him 22 million euros a season. Another problem is that the player's agent, Pini Zahavi, is known for not giving in much. 

Not wanting to guarantee he will start, or at least that he will play much in midfield, makes sense given Zidane's selections. The coach remains faith in the old guard and several important players are coming back from injury. 

They do not want to offer him such a large salary because of the difficult financial situation at the moment. The coronavirus crisis is affecting all the clubs in the world and, if Real Madrid accept what Alaba wants to be paid, he will become one of the best paid, if not the best paid player of the squad. 


Mentioned in the news story

Real Madrid
Bayern München
David Alaba