Real Madrid to prevent James from joining United

Patrick Power 6 years ago 7.1k
James' future is still in the balance. EFE

The Colombian's departure is more than likely, but his destination could be far from Old Trafford.

Both James Rodriguez and Morata are two of Manchester United's main objectives, but reports suggest that Real Madrid are unwilling to sell the Colombian to Mourinho's team.

'James will go wherever he wants to, expcept to United', were the words spoken by Spanish journalist Eduardo Inda on the program 'El Chiringuito'.

According to Inda, the Spanish champions have vetoed United as a possible destination for James. The reason being that Florentino Perez does not want to strengthen the squad of a possible Champions League opponent.

In contrast, many English sources have already indicated an agreement between Rodriguez and the Red Devils. We will have to wait and see where the Colombian finally plays next season.

Mentioned in the news story

Manchester United
Real Madrid
Premier League