Leicester do not want to miss out on getting Lallana for free

BeSoccer 4 years ago 369
Lallana could be moving to Leicester City. AFP

Adam Lallana's Liverpool contract will expire in July so any club can sign a quality player for free. Leicester do not want to pass up this amazing opportunity.

Klopp has resigned himself to the fact that he will lose Adam Lallana, a player who has spent the last six years wearing the Liverpool shirt. He has played 178 competitive games for them and scored 22 goals.

The 32 year-old's contract expires this summer, that will put an end to his successful Liverpool career. He moved to Merseyside in summer 2014 from Southampton.

Therefore, any club will be able to sign Lallana for nothing this summer. Leicester do not want to let this opportunity slip by, the 'Daily Star' reports.

The experience of Lallana has caught the eyes of Leicester's scouts. They will look to strengthen their squad for next season with a quality player.

Mentioned in the news story

Premier League
A. Lallana