Hazard happy to silence critics

BeSoccer 4 years ago 1.7k
He scored his 1st goal. AFP

Eden Hazard was proud to score his 1st goal for Real Madrid. Although he admits the critics didn't influence him, the Belgian is sure the goal will silence the noise that haunts him at the Bernabéu.

"I am very happy with the goal and the victory. When you play you always want to score bu the mosy important thing is to win", the Belgian attacker proudly stated, who was being crisiced for his performance at the start of the season with Real Madrid.

In this regard, the Belgian wanted to emphasise and highlight the value of the win to stay at the top of the league: "We played well. We are still top, that is our goal this season".

Furthermore, the Belgian spoke about the criticism he received at the start of the season: It was very important. People are talking and I have heard lots of things. But confidence is very important".

"My first goal has to be special. I tried a chip and I am very happy. The first is always difficult to get, after that you get more confidence, I hope t score more goals for this great club", he added.

Furthermore, Eden Hazard spoke about Granada's level: "It was very hard, we gave it our all for 90 minutes and we won, you can always improve, but 3 important points".

Mentioned in the news story

Real Madrid
E. Hazard