Government issues warning for lack of distance in matches

BeSoccer 3 years ago 455
Government issues warning for lack of distance in matches. AFP

The UK Government is said to have contacted the Premier League to express its concern about the lack of distance during the games, especially when celebrating goals or during hydration breaks. Following this talk, which was revealed by the Telegraph, the Premier League is said to have sent a letter to all 20 clubs asking players and coaching staff to avoid any contact on the pitch.

'The Telegraph' has published an exclusive on its website reporting that the UK Government has reportedly conveyed its concerns about the lack of social distancing during football matches to the Premier League authorities. 

It seems that, according to the above-mentioned source, some scenes involving footballers who do not respect the rules of social distancing have set off alarm bells because of concerns about possible contagion from COVID-19. 

Above all, this lack of safety distance occurs during goal celebrations or hydration breaks, where players and coaching staff come into contact and even embrace. 

That is why the British government wanted to warn the PL about this lack of social distance so that they can dialogue with the clubs and remind their players to avoid any kind of contact on the pitch. 

The Premier has reacted by contacting the 20 clubs in the competition individually following this conversation between the PL and some members of the Government. 

Mentioned in the news story

Premier League