The Super Bowl of football

BeSoccer 6 years ago 7.8k
The biggest game in club football. EFE/Archive

Barcelona v Real Madrid is the biggest game in club football. Despite the fact that Sunday's 'El Clasico' has less at stake than usual, the eyes of the world will be nonetheless on the Camp Nou.

The audio-visual director of La Liga recently revealed that the equipment used to capture the clash between Real Madrid and Barcelona is some of the most high-tech in the world.  "The technology that is implemented in the game is more advanced than what they use in the Super Bowl," Melcior Soler stated, as reported by Spanish newspaper 'AS'.

This cutting-edge technology is there to broadcast the clash between the two biggest club sides in the world to 182 countries across the globe. The game's magnitude is so grand that it could attract an audience as big as 500 million viewers on Sunday.

La Liga has pulled out all the stops in order to give the viewer the best spectator's experience possible. The cameras will shoot the game in 4K-HDR quality, using aerial cameras, as well as Be The Player and Laser Wall technology, which allow 360 degree replays, just like they have in the NFL and the NBA.

"You can put the camera wherever you want, not physically, but virtually," Soler explained in his interview with the Spanish newspaper. "With this camera, we can show the viewer the player's point of view just as he is about to shoot."

Furthermore, Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo will have six cameras following them at all times. There will be over 40 cameras shooting the game, from ones on the pitch, to those mounted on cranes, and even those in a helicopter above the Camp Nou.

Everything is in place so that we won't miss a single detail of Sunday's prime-time clash. Let's hope the players live up to their billing.

Mentioned in the news story

Real Madrid