Fabinho in talks with Barcelona

Patrick Power 7 years ago 5.2k
Fabinho is having a brilliant season for Monaco.

His father stated that contact with the Catalan club had been made, but the footballer's priority is to play under Mourinho's management.

Fabinho's great season for Monaco, not only in France but also in the Champions League, has earned him a great deal of attention from Europe's top clubs.

Barcelona are one of many interested in signing the 23-year-old; Manchester United seem to have taken the lead with negotiations going back a few months, according to the player's father, who also revealed Barcelona have recently made an approach expressing their interest.

He went on to say: "We have spoken to Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United, as well as Barcelona, but nothing is definite. We like Manchester United and Mourinho's work, but we have a soft spot for the city".

Mentioned in the news story