Ex-England captain admits drink problem

BeSoccer 7 years ago 407
Wilkins has admitted a drink problem. AFP

A British court handed Ray Wilkins a four-year driving ban on Monday, as the former England international midfielder and ex-Chelsea assistant revealed his battle with alcoholism.

The 59-year-old pleaded guilty at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court after being found to have been three times over the drink-drive limit.

A member of the public spotted him driving his Mercedes in the middle of the road and straddling a bus lane in London on July 1.

He was seen striking a kerb and swigging alcohol from the bottle behind the wheel.

The member of the public then took his keys away when the car stopped, in order to prevent a possible accident.

District judge Tim Boswell gave Wilkins, who has two previous drink-driving convictions dating back to 2013, a 10-week suspended prison sentence, ordered him to do 140 hours unpaid work and disqualified him from driving for 48 months.

Standing in the dock, Wilkins said: "Abstinence is the only way I can cure this situation".

Wilkins enjoyed a hugely successful playing career that took in Chelsea, Manchester United and AC Milan, before returning to Stamford Bridge as an assistant.

His last post was in the Premier League last season as an assistant at Aston Villa.

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Manchester United
Queens Park Rangers