Çalhanoglu earns contract renewal

BeSoccer 3 years ago 271
Çalhanoglu has been offered a new deal. AFP

AC Milan are delighted to have Hakan Çalhanoglu on board. According to 'Calcio Mercato', the club are working to offer him a new contract.

AC Milan currently have Hakan Çalhanoglu tied down until 2021. If the club doesn't renew the Turks' contract he could leave for free in the summer.

And the club have realised. The midfielder has convinced AC Milan to resign him.

'Calcio Mercato' claim that the board are delighted with Çalhanoglu and that they are planning to start negotiating a contract renewal imminently.

Çalhanoglu has become a key player for Pioli and the club want to repay him. Whether the Turk wants to stay put still remains to be seen.

Mentioned in the news story

H. Çalhanoğlu