Araujo was last minute absence due to thigh discomfort

BeSoccer 3 years ago 460
Araujo was last minute absence due to thigh discomfort. EFE

Barcelona released the medical report of Ronald Araujo, who dropped out of the line-up after the warm-up due to some physical problems in his thigh. The centre-back was replaced by Samuel Umtiti.

The Frenchman Samuel Umtiti finally started for Barcelona instead of the Uruguayan Ronald Araujo in Saturday's match against Granada.

Araujo suffered physical problems in the right leg during the warm-up, as Barcelona infomed, and dropped out of the starting line-up a few minutes before the match started.

After the match, Barcelona announced the medical report of the player and confirmed that he remained in the dressing room due to some discomfort in his right thigh.

Araujo will undergo new medical tests soon to know the exact extent of the injury, as the first exams that were done did not yield a precise result.


Mentioned in the news story

Ronald Araujo