Zvonko Paclik

Consult all the information, achievements, statistics and the complete managerial career of Zvonko Paclik

Managerial career

Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Primera Croacia 1. NL
Primera Croacia 1. NL 8 7 12 4-4-2 27 : 38 1 : 1.4
8 7 12 4-4-2 27 : 38 1 : 1.41
Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Primera Croacia 1. NL
Primera Croacia 1. NL 11 9 13 4-4-2 38 : 39 1.2 : 1.2
Copa Croata
Copa Croata 1 0 1 4-4-2 5 : 4 2.5 : 2
12 9 14 4-4-2 43 : 43 1.23 : 1.23
Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Primera Croacia 1. NL
Primera Croacia 1. NL 2 2 3 4-4-2 7 : 10 1 : 1.4
2 2 3 4-4-2 7 : 10 1 : 1.43
Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Primera Croacia 1. NL
Primera Croacia 1. NL 6 5 8 4-4-2 21 : 24 1.1 : 1.3
6 5 8 4-4-2 21 : 24 1.11 : 1.26